A search engine, for homes

Expand your reach, and get your listings seen for free.

As featured in

Backed by the world's best investors

Jitty has raised a $2m pre-seed round led by Gradient Ventures.

What makes us different?

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Free to use

We don't charge you anything

No high monthly fees just to have your sales shown to the internet.

You shouldn’t have to pay large monthly bills to get your own listings shown online.

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No extra work required

Not only do we not charge you, we don’t require you to do anything.

As a search engine, we catalogue the existing information on your website and present it within Jitty.

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Expand your reach

Uncover new buyers

Our goal is to create an even broader pool of buyers, who are searching in new ways, not just within a certain location.

Leaving you to focus on what you do best, agreeing sales and getting to exchange.

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Keep track of everything

Organise your search, with sectioned lists by where you're at in the process.

You (and anyone invited to your space) can add your own notes and photos so you can really remember what it was like.

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